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Playful entertaining activities, audio-visual, musical, cooking, spectacular, mechanical, technological services, shows & performers, goodies & decoration or even star or celebrity doubles...


We offer you the greatest choice of events management services as well as our expertise in this field so as to realize all your wishes, and transform the visit of your exhibition, stand and professional party

a memorable moment !

Enjoying sweet attentions during a cocktail buffet is a way to relax, but associating it with a custom-made welcome, a moving performance, the presence of artists or a show, as well as participating to one of these entertaining activities, will turn your event into a complete success !

The principle is not to force the guests or visitors to make efforts, be they in a cocktail or an exhibition, while allowing them to have fun and keep fully energized.

Hosts, games, magicians and other traditional services are always well-received, but will you dare make a difference with more unusual services ?

The advent of new technologies makes it possible to have your guests take part in more innovative services.

By browsing our website and examples of entertaining activities, you will get an overview of our numerous services.

There will be no lack of unique and unforgettable events for your cocktails

and exhibitions !

Trust our expertise ?





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