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Activity comes from the Latin word Activus…

'who takes action''

One Step Before takes action to bring services to life to revitalize yourselves, surprise you, entertain you…

Our goal is to liven up a place, an event and to satisfy your customers and win their loyalty for your brand or logo.

We offer you a choice of 200 services :

entertaining activities, artistic performances and shows…

We present you a large number of thematic and unique activities.

On demand, we create concepts of custom-made

entertainment activities.


 Packaged with a large number of options, our entertaining activities can be personalized. Our concepts are delivered ready to use (assembly, disassembly, entertainment activities’ staff).

Our entertaining activities are commonly realized with a setting.

Our entertaining activities last from a few hours to a few days or weeks. We adapt to your needs, constraints and budgets.

Have a glance at our different categories of playful, participatory, interactive services, from the most traditional ones to the most innovative and technological ones.

One Step Before creates, continuously develops its concepts of entertainment activities and improves the existing ones.


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